perm filename SCENAR.ERR[RDG,DBL]1 blob sn#642967 filedate 1982-02-25 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
@Comment{ErrLog of SCENAR.MSS by Scribe 3B(1134) on 25 February 1982 at 14:36}

Error in text found while processing the manuscript file.
SCENAR.MSS, 04800/3:  C-<rubout> -- delete the *character* immediately before the cursor
Line too wide; lost "e cursor".

Error in text.
SCENAR.MSS, 07700/3:  	M-<rubout> -- delete the *word* immediately before the cursor.
Line too wide; lost " the cursor.".

Error in text.
SCENAR.MSS, 13100/3:  Cursor-Position := Cursor-Position + MoveForwardSingleWord:#Chars.
Line too wide; lost ":#Chars.".

Error in text.
SCENAR.MSS, 06400/4:  	[Note non-terminals are capitalized; and 0 in the 2nd position means
Line too wide; lost "2nd position means".

Error in text.
SCENAR.MSS, 06500/4:  	 the cursor is pointing to a regular character, 1 means to a delimiter.]
Line too wide; lost "means to a delimiter.]".

Error in text.
SCENAR.MSS, 06600/5:  WHILE  Delimiter( Current-Char ) DO <Delete-Char(); BackUp-Char()>;
Line too wide; lost "-Char()>;".

Error in text.
SCENAR.MSS, 06700/5:  WHILE ≠Delimiter( Current-Char ) DO <Delete-Char(); BackUp-Char()>
Line too wide; lost "-Char()>".

Error in text.
SCENAR.MSS, 01300/6:  M-C-D -- delete the *S-expression* the cursor is pointing to
Line too wide; lost "to".

Error in text.
SCENAR.MSS, 01400/6:  M-C-<rubout> -- delete the *S-expression* immediately before the cursor
Line too wide; lost "re the cursor".

Error in text.
SCENAR.MSS, 03300/7:  @G(a)> like C-U C-N -- now makes sense to find other E commands which correspond to
Line too wide; lost " to".

Error in text.
SCENAR.MSS, 03400/7:  C-U <x>.  Besides α<, there aren't any...
Current font (Gacha) does not contain a "α" character.

Error in text.
SCENAR.MSS, 03900/7:  @G(a)N and C-X C-X (return to last mark) both go to other side of buffer, once it
Line too wide; lost "t".
Page 8, line 22: 1 special character needed.

Error in text.
SCENAR.MSS, 06700/10:  Same composer, same time of life (perhaps different movements in same peice)
Line too wide; lost "eice)".

Error in text.
SCENAR.MSS, 07200/10:  	[Preserves overall form (eg acceptability), some tonalities etc]
Line too wide; lost "]".

Error in text.
SCENAR.MSS, 03600/15:  	WHERE the relative position of the destination, (wrt current pos'n,) is known,
Line too wide; lost "s'n,) is known,".

Error in text.
SCENAR.MSS, 05100/15:  (There are now one fewer word boundaries between your position and the destination.)
Line too wide; lost "destination.)".

Error in PROCESS command found while digesting bibliography data.
STDALP.REF, 01700/1:  
No Bibliography entry named TIER was found in the data base.

Error found while finishing up after the end of the manuscript:
1 labels were referenced but never defined.  See error log file.

Undefined Label                   First reference
TIER$                             (SCENAR.MSS, 01400/9)

Error found while finishing up after the end of the manuscript:
Cross references to 5 labels could be wrong.
Run the file through Scribe again if you need to be sure they are right.